Archives October 2024

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Poverty To Rich requires building passive and residual income. Requires that you have

a product or a service that people will pay a profitable amount for. If you plan to be

rich, consider this. Do you like to read???? Consider this: Do you like to manage

your time???? Finally, Consider this: Do you have a passion to do anything that some

one will pay you for????

Why is residual income good?

Residual income is an important factor for businesses and individuals. Your personal residual income can make a difference in the types of loans and other offers you qualify for, and the more residual income you have, the better you can invest in wealth building for the benefit of your future self.

What is the residual income?

Is residual income the same as profit?

Simply put, the residual income is the net profit that’s been altered depending on the cost of equity. The equity charge is computed by multiplying the cost of equity and the company’s equity capital.

Making Money from the Inside Out

It is a well-understood axiom of the business world that there are two ways to improve the bottom line of the business. Stated simply, those two ways are to make money or to cut costs. Now no business can cost cut their way to profitability.

But by the same token, waste and excessive internal costs for any business can eat away any profits that business is enjoying. So to get ahead in a competitive business environment, both methods must be employed.

When a business turns its eye to cost cutting, there is a stated or unstated business objective that the business owners will discover significant bleeding of revenues that are going on within the systems of doing business.

So if those systems can be improved to eliminate that waste, the business would literally make money from the inside out because the overhead of the business would drop so dramatically.

The usual progress of such a cost saving campaign by a business is to find “the low hanging fruit” first. By that we mean that in order to satisfy the demands of management, middle management will identify superficial savings in hopes of satisfying the requirement.

Hence switching from disposable cups to mugs or cutting back on break room amenities often go on the chopping block first.

Sadly, while there may be some superficial savings to be found in such places, the significant introduction of efficiencies for any business lie at a deeper level and take a more in-depth process of locating problems with how things get done internally.

The methodology of finding these “money pits” within a business is often called “Process Improvement.”

The concept of process improvement is to diagram a particular business process from inception to completion and document the stages it goes through, the handing over of authority for the process and to pin point places where inefficient methods are causing excessive cost in executing that process en route to the final stage of process completion.

Routinely, the areas of business structure that most often identified as being candidates for a process improvement examination are…

  • Excessive overhead between departments. Departments within a business are notorious for taking on the atmosphere of a fiefdom and becoming resistant if not suspicious of other departments in the same company.
    When that happens, department managers will introduce paperwork and unnecessary processing to cause “work” to move to his or her department from another or for completed jobs to continue along their path.

This excessive overhead can be costly at the department level and bog down the business as a unit enough to actually reduce the profitability of the organization.

  • Communication problems. A business process moves through the organization as each department or entity adds value to the process through to the completion of the job.

However if communications between departments or people along the process chain are flawed, a process can grind to a halt and wait for hours if not days before the missed communication is discovered and the work is put into the cycle to be completed. This slow down or break down in communications can be a tremendous drain on the company.

To correct the problem, modern tools of communication should be reviewed so each significant person along the chain is quickly made aware of work that needs to be done and can signal to the next agent that their step is complete and that the process is moving to the next stage.

  • An inefficient IT infrastructure. Out of date computer programs that are not integrated with each other cause needless work to be done to take data from one system and moving it into the next computer program only to be entered again at the next stop along the chain. Standardization and integration of data and systems will introduce huge efficiencies to the process.

By streamlining the process of moving a business requirement from inception to conclusion, we can remove much of the inefficiency and waste that has become inherent to that process.

We can introduce up to date integration designs both at the IT and process level to quickly move the process from one department to the next upon completion.

The outcome is a streamlined organization that is no longer “bleeding money” due to inefficiencies and as such is making money “from the inside out”.



Real estate investing/residual income/flipping house

Over the years, real estate investment has turn out to be one of the most successful means of creating more wealth. Only few other investments generate as much wealth as investing in land and property. In the history of investing, real estate investment seems to be most reliable and consistent means of wealth building.

Some of the world’s richest people build their wealth by investing heavily in real estate. They invest in real estate to create a residual income earning opportunity. And residual or passive income through real estate can develop into a massive wealth.

Talking about residual or passive income, it is technically the type of income that you continue to receive long after an initial effort has been put in place. One continues to generate residual income on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly or yearly) with little effort in the management of the investment.PASSIVE INCOME-RESIDUAL INCOME

Residual income is something many people work hard to build for themselves and their loved ones. There’s hardly anything more satisfying than one to continue earning from their hard work or investment.
There are different ways of generating residual income through real estate investment. These are:
• Rental properties
• Flipping houses, and
• Crowdfunded Real Estate Investment

Build your Website for $1.99/monthSeven Steps to Starting A Business

Are you are planning to start a business? You must have a clear plan and strategy for achieving your goals. Too often new entrepreneurs jump ahead without mentioning what they sell, how they sell it and to whom they will sell it.
Thanks to the internet, it is straightforward than ever to start a business in the comfort of your own home. Although it is not easy to be an entrepreneur, it is generally known that starting a project is very rewarding. The hardest part is starting. So many people have business ideas that never leave their notebook.SKY ROCKETING YOUR INCOME HOW TO

Others want to have a business, but they do not know where to start. These are the six necessary steps for starting a business 2024.

1. Get Online
First, if you start a business, you have to install it on the internet. The number of people buying online is increasing every year. More than 3 billion people have access to the internet, and more and more people connect every day. These are all potential customers. When your business is on the internet, you can sell your products and services 24 / 7 for the whole year.GET PAID TO REVIEW APPS FROM ANYWHERE

2. Get starting capital
Although the costs of starting a business in 2024 on the internet are considerably lower than those of a traditional company, you still need a little money to start an online business. The main reason why most companies fail is the lack of capital. Provide a plan to make financial resources possible, whether it concerns sales, your funds or external investors.

3. Choose The Right Location:

Location plays a significant role in determining the success of your business. A wrong location can jeopardize all prospects, and at the same time, a right one can build a strong foundation for a fruitful venture. Therefore choose the location wisely. Discuss with people who have vast knowledge in the industry that you have chosen.

If you set up your business amidst your competitors, there are higher chances of success, studies have shown.GET PAID TO DO SIMPLE WRITING ONLINE

4. Establish Your Unique Selling Proposition
What makes your company unique? The Internet is a big market, and when you start a business in 2019, you have to make a unique sales proposal (USP) for your product or service. Why would people buy from you instead of someone else? If you do not know, how can you expect your potential customer to know?

5. Know your ideal customer

No company can sell anything to anyone. You need to be clear about who your ideal customer is so that you can create your marketing messages to attract them directly. What are their needs, wishes, concerns, problems or wishes? How can your products or services help them?

6. Implement a proven business model

Use a proven business model that will work in your market. If you do not have one, look at your competitors and see what they do. Buy a business mentor that shows you how to grow your business and move a potential customer to a customer. Very often you can learn a lot from people who have preceded your industry.
They can help you avoid pitfalls and make your path to success faster and easier.START NOW








Their are so many government programs available it is absolutely unbelievable.

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advantage of these.

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Please share this information and most of, let us know how others can take

advantage. This site is about POVERTY TO RICH!!!!

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