The role self-help audio books play in maximizing potential

To be successful in this 21st century, we all need to be regularly motivated so as to able to withstand the different challenges that life throws at us. But the access to motivational resources is becoming slimmer by the day.

The most prominent sources of motivation are in books, and there are thousands of them out there. But with our busy and tight schedule, most people hardly have time to read books. This is where audiobooks become handy.

Most speakers or authors now have their work published in the form of audio books. This gives them the opportunity to reach out to more audience, most especially those who find it difficult to read books.KNOWLEDGE TO BUILD WEALTH

Self-help motivational audio books are the next biggest source of inspiration. Listening to them will help to maximize and grow your potentials. They are what you need if you want to move to the next level in your career and profession.
In this post, we will be discussing the role self-help audio books play in maximizing potential.

Self-help audiobooks enable you to easily identify your strengths and weaknesses. They give you insights to your potentials and make question yourself on how to fully utilize them. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses helps you to better manage yourself, time and other resources at your disposal.

Listening to motivational audiobooks before getting out of bed in the morning will let you stay motivated and prepare you for the challenges of the day. Audiobooks are powerful tools for motivation. Make it a habit of listening to your favorite self-help audiobook for at least 15 minutes every day before leaving your home.

By listening to motivational audio books, you feed your mind with positive and inspiring contents. This enables you to regularly stay inspired and stand tall against all life tides.
Many people listen to music for inspiration or just to improve their mood. But audiobooks are better alternative to music because they enable you to stay motivated and at the same time you’re learning.

And just like your music, audio books are accessible and portable. You can easily carry them about in your phone, computer or any other devices. People can listen to them anywhere and whenever they want. You can listen to them while you’re doing other things. For example you can listen to motivational audio books while driving to and from work.

Most of real life challenges are discussed in audiobooks. Sometimes listening to them makes one feel as if the speaker or author is talking directly to you. In their discussions, they offer practicable solutions to some of the problems we face in our daily lives.

For anyone to improve and get to the next level, one needs to understand the essence of getting things done effectively within a speculated time frame. There are many motivational audio books that teach people how they can simplify and gets things done in order to achieve the desired results.

It is only natural for colleagues and other people around to believe in you and trust in your judgments when you are good at getting results. When people see you as a goal getter, the level of your confidence increases and invariably it helps you to maximize your potential.

In addition, listening to positive inspirational audio books let you understand that no one is perfect. In one way or the other, we all have our weaknesses. This weakness may either be physical or mental. Motivational audio books teach you how you can master your imperfection and overcome the feeling of inadequacy. This in effect, spurred you for greater life achievements.


You Don’t Have To Quit Your Job – To Be Your Own Boss

I’m constantly seeing articles about how you should quit your job and start your own business. I wont’ argue with that — being your own boss is a terrific experience and can give you the time and financial freedom you’ve always wanted.

But the plain truth is that most of us NEED our jobs to pay the mortgage, the rent, our car payments, insurance premiums — you name it! If we didn’t have that check coming in on a regular basis, we’d probably be living on a street corner s…POVERTY AND BEING POOR: ARE THEY THE SAME THING

home business, career, job, mlm, business opportunity

I’m constantly seeing articles about how you should quit your job and start your own business. I wont’ argue with that — being your own boss is a terrific experience and can give you the time and financial freedom you’ve always wanted.

But the plain truth is that most of us NEED our jobs to pay the mortgage, the rent, our car payments, insurance premiums — you name it! If we didn’t have that check coming in on a regular basis, we’d probably be living on a street corner somewhere.

Traditionally, you would have to save a little each month for years to get enough to live on while you start your business. Another way to do it would be to work for someone else in the same business you want to start.

You can learn the ropes while still earning a paycheck. When it’s time to quit and begin your business, you’ll be miles ahead.FREE INFORMATION

But let me give you a more modern alternative that works better than any of these: work a part-time job from home that lets you build a FULL-TIME income. You keep working your regular job while you start your part-time business on the weekends, after work, or in the morning before you go to work.

Even a few years ago this would have been a slow way to get your business started. But now, incredible online automation and outsourcing lets you run your home-based business in as little as an hour per week.

How does that work? Let me show you.

Instead of calling, advertising, and sending letters to prospects, you can let fully automated online sites gather hot leads for you.THE ADVANTAGES TO STARTING A BUSINESS ONLINE IS ABSOLUTELY AWSOME

Then, instead of spending hours in meetings and phone chats, you can have those leads automatically turned over to a professional sales team who turns the serious leads into paying customers.

About all you have to do is collect your commissions. And these days, those commissions can be HUGE. Forget the $20 and $50 paychecks you got in the past. These days modern automated systems can deliver $1,000 to $3,000 or more PER SALE!

Think about it for a minute. Using this type of automated/outsourced strategy, you could keep your current job while you earn an even larger income working just a few hours per week in your spare time.FREE INFORMATION

This is a great way to either begin a fun, serious business of your own, or simply DOUBLE or TRIPLE the income you’re bringing in with your current job.

Keep your job AND be your own boss if you like. It’s all possible today on the Internet.What do you know about Online Earning ?

Do you know the most efficient way to turn a buck? This is probably a question that has ridden the minds of men and women for centuries.

online earning

Do you know the most efficient way to turn a buck? This is probably a question that has ridden the minds of men and women for centuries. Not to mention it will continue to haunt individuals for years to come.

The almighty dollar plays such a significant role in our contemporary society, just as it did in the past. Regardless of how much we try to belittle its value, there’s just no arguing that everyone doesn’t need cold hard cash. Capital is a necessity and probably always will be.THINGS TO CONSIDER FOR STARTING AN ONLINE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS

The good new is that as time moves forward, new doors are opened. This means more ways to make a living or earn extra dough on the side. In fact, one of the major concepts many of us take advantage of in modern times is online earning.

Have you ever considered your home computer as a vehicle to cash? FREE INFORMATION

What do you know about online earning? Did you know that there are endless job opportunities gracing the World-Wide-Web now days?

I personally am amazed when I delve into cyberspace in search of jobs regarding online earning. Numerous companies are constantly on the lookout for web editors and freelance writers. Ebay is an additional means to online earning. They need people to work for them as well.

It’s not just about selling that junk in your garage or buying a rare action figure. Ebay has it’s own employees who work from the comfort of their own home. Web content is another great route to online earning.

Those of you out there with websites can earn revenue just by posting the right material. Search engines such as,, and all create tons of traffic, which in return builds money. Maybe there is an ideal way for you to begin making some money via the Internet.

With modern times, have come fabulous opportunities. These days you no longer have to conform to the work force and earn money for the “man.”FREE INFORMATION

So many individuals are taking their chances with online earning. In return they are making their own money and avoiding the cog in the machine routine. This is one way to get a more significant portion of cash earned.

Just like with any business, if it’s yours, you’re going to make the most off of it. Hop online today and discover more about online earning. Maybe that choice opportunity is out there just waiting for you.



5 Super Wealth-Building Tips Pave the Way to Financial Freedom


Here are five super wealth-building tips for the success-minded individual…

wealth, income, extra money

There are so many things involved with building wealth that it would take much more than one article to explain it all. So, we’ve put together a simple five-step guide to help you get a great start in building wealth for a lifetime.

Step 1: Set Specific Goals

Goal setting is a task that can be easily put off – especially when you are extremely busy in day-to-day activities. However, goal setting is the first and one of the most important steps you’ll take to achieve wealth.

Set both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals may be daily, weekly and monthly goals. These should reveal where you would like to be financially by a certain time in the near future.FREE INFORMATION

Long-term goals include the amount of wealth you would like to accumulate within a year, two years, or maybe even five or ten years. Both types of goals are necessary to build wealth.

Without goals, you are wondering blindly with no care or thought of what’s ahead. This pattern of life is sure to leave you empty-handed!

Step 2: Create a Business Plan

Every successful business from the past and today started with a plan. Your business plan should illustrate where you are now, where you plan to be in the future, and how you’re going to get there. Write these few notes down on paper. Then, fill in the blanks to create a rough business plan. It’s easier than you think.

*Your current income
*Business profits and expenses (if you already own a business)
*Business budget (or personal budget if working for someone else)
*Capital needed upfront to promote and operate business
*Plans to acquire the capital needed (source of capital)
*Spending plan (promotions, supplies, inventory, online expenses, etc.)
*Expectations (What results do you expect from your initial efforts?)

Creating a business plan is a necessary step to build wealth through your own business. Even if you don’t own a business, you should write down a similar plan to reach your personal wealth goals.

Step 3: Avoid Harmful Debt

Debt is the one of the key reasons many people never accumulate wealth. But remember, there are two types of debt: harmful debt and necessary debt. Harmful debt is the debt you create for things you do not need such as excessive shopping, luxury items, expensive cars that you can’t afford, etc.

Necessary debt is a debt most people must have to live, such as a mortgage, car loan (affordable), medical, college, etc. These debts are a part of life for most families and will be for many, many years. However, even these types of debts should be kept well within your income limitations.

If you can only afford a $250/month car loan, then shop around until you find one at this price. Don’t give in to the temptations and pressures to buy the fancier, more expensive car with a $450/month payment. It’s not worth the risk!

You may ask, “I thought these steps were for building wealth?”

As it happens, debt is the opposite of wealth. The more debt you have, the less wealth you will accumulate. You can’t save money or invest money that belongs to someone else. If you earn $3,000 in income this month, but owe $2,000 in loans (before everyday living expenses), you can’t possibly have extra money to save.

You must either earn more or sell some items to pay off your debt. You should avoid this “debt trap” if you intend on building wealth for the future.

Another type of debt is one for your business. You may take out a small business loan to get things started or to promote your business. If you are uncertain about whether the business will bring profits, try to avoid business debt until you have tested it a while.

Step 4: Develop a Personal Plan

Above, you developed a business plan. Now it’s time to create a personal plan. What tasks will you do daily to build wealth? Put yourself on a schedule and a strict budget. Work toward your goals daily by making a list of things to do and marking off each item on the list as you complete the tasks.

In your budgeting, include a set amount of money you will put away in savings (savings account, IRA, stocks, bonds, etc.) If you plan to invest, be sure to diversify your investments. Choose only one or two high-risk investments and several “safer” investments such as mutual funds or bonds.

Step 5: Stay focused on the Goal, not the Circumstances

No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, keep your eyes on the wealth-building goal ahead. Even if sales are down in your business, don’t stop dead in your tracks. Remember, businesses have ups and downs. If you remain steadfast toward your goal during the slow times, the busy times are bound to be much better than ever.

Your income will grow and you will have the extra money needed to reach your wealth-building goals.

In a nutshell, building wealth does not happen over night with one get-rich-quick program. It happens with consistent labor toward the goals and tasks you have created.

You can build wealth for your future if you do not waver from these basic truths that have worked for millions of others!

Work Part-time—–Earn Full-time

Details of how to start a profitable enterprise with very little capital outlay.

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It is not the amount of hours that you put into a working day as much as the amount of work you put into the hours.Far better to plan your day so that you can maximise your resources,instead of jumping from one task to another and end up doing nothing.

You do not need a large sum of money to finance a business proposition.All you need is a good idea and the ability to put together a business plan that will convince investors that you can make money.When people are convinced that you can make money,you should have no problem getting people to invest in your proposition.FREE INFORMATION

A rule you should abide by is not to keep on working for your money. If you do this you become a slave to money. Far better to let money work for you. By investing your money in a business proposition where your returns are guaranteed you free yourself.

Take arbitrage investment in sports betting. An arbitrage is simply the purchase of securities from one market for immediate resale to another market in order to profit from the discrepancy
There are arbitrage opportunities in numerous markets.The one concentrated on here is the sports betting market worldwide.

With the correct software this market can be exploited,giving guaranteed profits.If you know what to look for in this type of situation you can exploit the situation to give you a guaranteed profit.Coupled to the software is a FREE booklet detailing in specific detail how to exploit this market.

If the instructions in the book are adhered to the user can look forward to a guaranteed profit.There are people operating at the moment making a full time living out of arbitrage investment..

This book will show you everything you need to know ,to produce a very profitable and regular income from a loophole that has been brought about by the Internet and the masses of bookmakers that have sprung up and continue to do so. .This loophole can never be regulated or closed down and as the Internet grows the number of opportunities this loophole will make available will multiply
There are many reasons why bookmakers may offer wildly different odds on the same sporting event .For a start many bookmakers overstretch themselves when offering odds—they try and cover every possible market to get as many customers as possible.

This is great news for us because in doing so they will sometimes offer odds on events that they have little or no expert knowledge in .For example a bookmaker in the USA may offer odds on English division football yet he knows very little about it.

Not much money is needed to get started in this business. As you progress and people begin to see that you are making a profit 100% of the time you are going to attract people to you, who are going to try and find out your secret of making money.

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About the U.S. Small Business Administration
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) helps power the American dream of business ownership. As the only go-to resource and voice for small businesses backed by the strength of the federal government, the SBA empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners with the resources and support they need to start, grow, expand their businesses, or recover from a declared disaster. It delivers services through an extensive network of SBA field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations. To learn more, visit


Financial stability is a necessity for any adult. Although salaries are good, and it’s quite a relief that they come in regularly, salaries do not guarantee financial stability. Financial stability can occur as a result of deliberate steps which one takes towards investments, savings and other endeavours such as monetizing a hobby and starting a business. Since a person already has the skill and enjoys applying it, monetizing it is a sure step in the right direction. This article covers how to start a business from a hobby.

In case you’re wondering if the skill you have is sellable, it is important to point out, at this point, that any skill that adds value to individuals and society at large is sellable. These skills include web design, baking, baking, writing and sports and fit into training.

The process of turning one’s hobby into a moneymaking venture is highlighted below. These actionable steps are straightforward anyone that pays enough attention to them is on the right path of converting their hobby into a moneymaking venture.

Make a plan

Planning is essential since turning a hobby into a venture requires dedication. Establishing a plan is particularly important because making an income from one’s hobby requires juggling it with other things, even a full-time job in some cases. This plan should cover how to enter the sector, build contacts and make sales. The plan should also create an for improvement of the skill to ensure that it is developed enough to attract clients.

Get yourself out there

To make a sale, customers need to be aware that a person is a provider of a particular service. There are different ways to go about letting people know about the new venture as well as getting them to trust the quality of services. Free trials have been established as methods of getting a new venture in front of prospective clients. With social media and platforms where freelancers find patrons, it has also become relatively easy to market a new venture.

It is worth mentioning that the quality of service offered should beat what is average available on the market. Thus, specific efforts should be made to ensure customer satisfaction, even with free trials.

Stay relevant

Monetizing a hobby is a deliberate measure. Thus, it is essential to make efforts towards relevance in the industry. These efforts should include maintaining the right contacts as well as following industry news.

Maximize your time

When a person starts an endeavour, one of the biggest obstacles to this endeavour is time since it would involve combining it with other preexisting activities. The importance of effective proper time management cannot be overemphasized for persons turning their hobbies into moneymaking ventures.

The process of monetizing a hobby may also not proceed as smoothly as one expects. As you begin the process of monetizing your would need extra determination and believe in the success of the venture. At this point, we can only hope that this piece inspires someone to maximize their skills.


Your Website…Is YOU!

Your website represents you. Its appearance can make or break sales. Great websites

entice visitors to stay, buy, and return again and again.

Fantastic design features include surf ability, the importance of the main page, the

appeal and ease on the eyes in the use of color, screen resolutions, and browsers.

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You are out shopping for healthy, designer food. You visit two health food stores. The

first one is bright and cheerful: Its products are displayed pleasingly and its staff, with

crisp, starched aprons on, slim, friendly, and helpful with smiles that twinkle.

There is another health food store just across the road: Similar products.

A fat, greasy-haired sweaty man, breath redolent of whisky, garlic, and fermented

cheese, egg stains on the front of his crumpled shirt, the middle of which strains to stay

closed struggling to keep its charge – a protruding belly – within, tired buttons at the

ready to pop…comes to serve you.

You are your website: It is a reflection of who you are, your product, and service. Portray

yourself as a trained, seasoned professional.

Your website is the only contact your customers, potential and current, have with you.

You must create an atmosphere that is pleasing to your buyers to make them want to

stay and buy, and more importantly, to want to come back again and again.

You want to aim for repeat business. The long and short of it is this: Your website can

make or break your sales…and your business.

What secrets can you apply in the design of your website?

Do your research by visiting several websites. Note what makes them appealing,

attractive, or the opposite. Always remember that visitors to your site have one goal in

mind: They are either seeking information or shopping for a product.


Your goal is to give them what they want without their having to search for it. It is a

cardinal rule to make your site easy to navigate.

Ensure that all the information is relevant to your product/service. Convince visitors

that they need your product to solve their problem(s).

The First Impression Lingers…The Importance of Your Main Page

The main page has a very specific purpose: It is the storefront of your website where

your visitor lands and from where she/he will shop. Therefore, this page must load very

quickly and be easy to view.

This is the first contact with your customer: First impressions can either close a deal

or…lose this same deal which has exactly the same potential.

Make things simple: Ensure that links are easily viewable by your visitors and that these

links will navigate your visitors to where they wish to go.

Very often, a great choice is the use of tables when deciding how to design the main

page of your site. If your page takes more than ten seconds to load even on a 56k

modem, your visitor will click away, through impatience, or to save time, seeking

information or products elsewhere.

To speed up the loading of your main page, it is advisable to avoid large, or excessive,

graphics. Too many banners or special effects often also cause a page to load slowly.

Make your Website Appealing to, and Easy for, the Eyes

* Colors

Mild colors are your best bet. If your site is a content site where your visitor will be

doing a lot of reading, it is a good idea to keep to black and white.

You can add color when using tables as a means to brighten up the page. However,

always remember to keep the overall look of the page professional and appealing to

your target audience that will be visiting more often.

* Screen Resolutions

These vary among monitors. It is, therefore, good counsel to set the pixels to a standard

800×600. You may also choose to set the tables in your web page to span a percentage

of the page rather than a set number of inches. This will be sure to accommodate all

screen sizes.

* Browsers

Bear in mind that a lot of Internet users will not use the same browser as you.

Therefore, make sure that your site looks as good on other browsers as it does on your

own. You can do this by downloading several browsers through which to look at your


Be aware that the overall look of your website is to make it attractive to visitors, which

in turn appeals to emotions and, therefore, leads to sales and makes money for you.

The appearance of your site, if properly designed, can be an excellent marketing

strategy for your product/service.

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Things To Consider For Starting A Business

Are you planning to start a business? You must have a clear plan and strategy for

achieving your goals. Too often new entrepreneurs jump ahead without mentioning

what they sell, how they sell it, and to whom they will sell it.

Thanks to the internet, it is more straightforward than ever to start a business in the

comfort of your own home. Although it is not easy to be an entrepreneur, it is generally

known that starting a project is very rewarding. The hardest part is starting. So many

people have business ideas that never leave their notebooks. Others want to have a

business, but they do not know where to start. These are the six necessary steps for

starting a business in 2025

1. Get Online

First, if you start a business, you have to install it on the internet. The number of people

buying online is increasing every year. More than 3 billion people have access to the

internet, and more and more people connect every day. These are all potential

customers. When your business is on the internet, you can sell your products and

services 24 / 7 for the whole year.

2. Get starting capital

Although the costs of starting a business in 2025 on the Internet are considerably lower

than those of a traditional company, you still need a little money to start an online

business. The main reason why most companies fail is the lack of capital. Provide a plan

to make financial resources possible, whether it concerns sales, your funds, or external


3. Choose The Right Location:

Location plays a significant role in determining the success of your business. A wrong

location can jeopardize all prospects, and at the same time, the right one can build a

strong foundation for a fruitful venture. Therefore choose the location wisely. Discuss

with people who have vast knowledge in the industry that you have chosen. If you set

up your business amidst your competitors, there are higher chances of success, studies

have shown.

4. Establish Your Unique Selling Proposition

What makes your company unique? The Internet is a big market, and when you start a

business in 2019, you have to make a unique sales proposal (USP) for your product or

service. Why would people buy from you instead of someone else? If you do not know,

how can you expect your potential customer to know?

5. Know your ideal customer

No company can sell anything to anyone. You need to be clear about who your ideal

customer is so that you can create your marketing messages to attract them directly.

What are their needs, wishes, concerns, problems, or wishes? How can your products or

services help them?

6. Implement a proven business model

Use a proven business model that will work in your market. If you do not have one, look

at your competitors and see what they do. Buy a business mentor that shows you how

to grow your business and move a potential customer to a customer. Very often you can

learn a lot from people who have preceded your industry. They can help you avoid

pitfalls and make your path to success faster and easier.

It may not sound natural to start a business, but if you have a passion and want to see it

become a successful business, it will take planning and organization. Use these tips to

get started and build a company you can be proud of.

Regardless of your age, education, technical skills, or qualifications, there are no specific

requirements for being a successful online entrepreneur. However, you will be more

successful with a solid business model to work from, clear direction, training, and



Your Small Business Web Site

A web site is a crucial ingredient of your marketing strategy because it can widen your target market to include anyone who has access to a computer and the internet. So, how can you reach some of those internet surfers, and how can you capture some of the billions spent in ecommerce?

small business web site, small business website

A web site is a crucial ingredient of your marketing strategy because it can widen your target market to include anyone who has access to a computer and the internet.

Almost 80% of Canadians had access to the internet at home in 2025, and around 8 million had regular access to the internet from somewhere, either at home, at work or at school.

And that’s just in Canada. Ecommerce sales from Canada were $7.2 billion, and we only captured 4% of the global ecommerce market! So, how can you reach some of those internet surfers, and how can you capture some of that $7.2 billion spent in ecommerce?

First, you build it

The first step is designing your website. If your company already has business cards and letterhead, it’s best to design your website around them. A matching corporate identity and website helps with branding.

I like uncomplicated websites, with a simple layout and easy navigation. A nice, simple layout, with good graphics, balanced look and good color combinations is my #1 goal when designing a small business web site.

Remember to use graphics sparingly and to optimize them for your website because internet surfers are impatient. If your page loads too slowly, they’ll leave.

Navigation should be easy to find and to use, and it should be consistent from page to page. I’ve left more than one site frustrated because I couldn’t easily find their navigation.

Small business web sites aren’t static. They evolve. You need to start somewhere, and starting with an introductory web site is probably easiest.

All you really need to start is five pages. You can always add pages later. The important thing is to just do it—take the plunge and get it out there.

Your five pages could include an index, or home page, about us, services, contact and a sitemap. The index page is your landing page. Typically its design is a little more detailed than the others, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

I like to use CSS (cascading style sheets) for designing because it’s simply easier to build a web site and to edit its layout with CSS rather than just HTML (hypertext markup language) alone. A change on a CSS sheet changes all the pages on your site at once.

Content is king

Once your site is designed, you’ll want to start thinking about content. Design is very important, but it does little good to have a beautiful site without high-quality content.

Your small business home page introduces you and your company—who you are and what you do. The about us page is usually used to give more detail than the home page about who you are, and your services page gives more detail about what you do.

You might wonder why you’d “waste” a page on a sitemap since you only have 5 pages, but sitemaps help search engines find all the pages in your site.

As far as content goes, more is better, up to a point. Your pages should be content rich and informative, but they also need to be relevant to your small business. If your visitor can’t figure out what your web site is about in just a few seconds, they may leave.

The internet was at first strictly informational, and that’s how it remains today. Several times people have tried experiments using copywriting similar to direct mail sales letters, but they’ve all failed.

It seems as if people surf the internet more for information than anything else. Knowing this will help you write pages people will want to read.

Attracting visitors

You could follow your instinct and just start writing, but wait. There’s research you must do first, or your web site simply won’t be high enough in searches to be found.

Search engine optimization is far too big a subject to cover in this short article, but among other things, search engines find your pages based on keywords.

So, pretend for a moment that you’re on the other side of the desk. If you were a customer of your own business, what words or phrases would you use to search for your product or service? Ask friends and neighbors how they’d search for your product or services.

When you’ve come up with a few, check them out on a keyword suggestions tool. You can also use that tool to suggest similar words and phrases.

Then find out how many results there would be if you searched for that term. What you want to do next is narrow down your choices to the words or phrases that are searched for the most, but have the fewest results.

Remember that people generally don’t look beyond the first three pages for any search term, so if you’re not in the top three pages, your business is not likely to be found at all. If there are millions of results for your phrase, you might simply need to make it more specific.

For example, let’s say you have a small business consulting company that specializes in communication for small business.

Using “communication” as a search term is nearly pointless because there are almost 2 billion results for that word. But, there are only 974 results for “small business communication”.

Much better, but how often is that searched for? According to WordTracker, it’s searched for 10 times a day. Not bad, but I think we can do better.

How about “small business consulting”? That’s searched for 261 times a day, and there are 373,000 results. That could be the best primary phrase for a small business communication consulting company.

What you want to do, is write your content around those words and phrases. You don’t want or need very many—three or four are plenty.

Getting them to come back again and again

Getting visitors to come back to your site again and again is relatively simple. Keep your content fresh and lively, make sure it’s informative, and add to it often.

I hope you decide your small business needs a web site. It’s the best way I know how to reach a wider target audience with a relatively small investment.PAYCHECK TO PA


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Poverty To Rich requires building passive and residual income. Requires that you have

a product or a service that people will pay a profitable amount for. If you plan to be

rich, consider this. Do you like to read???? Consider this: Do you like to manage

your time???? Finally, Consider this: Do you have a passion to do anything that some

one will pay you for????

Why is residual income good?

Residual income is an important factor for businesses and individuals. Your personal residual income can make a difference in the types of loans and other offers you qualify for, and the more residual income you have, the better you can invest in wealth building for the benefit of your future self.

What is the residual income?

Is residual income the same as profit?

Simply put, the residual income is the net profit that’s been altered depending on the cost of equity. The equity charge is computed by multiplying the cost of equity and the company’s equity capital.

Making Money from the Inside Out

It is a well-understood axiom of the business world that there are two ways to improve the bottom line of the business. Stated simply, those two ways are to make money or to cut costs. Now no business can cost cut their way to profitability.

But by the same token, waste and excessive internal costs for any business can eat away any profits that business is enjoying. So to get ahead in a competitive business environment, both methods must be employed.

When a business turns its eye to cost cutting, there is a stated or unstated business objective that the business owners will discover significant bleeding of revenues that are going on within the systems of doing business.

So if those systems can be improved to eliminate that waste, the business would literally make money from the inside out because the overhead of the business would drop so dramatically.

The usual progress of such a cost saving campaign by a business is to find “the low hanging fruit” first. By that we mean that in order to satisfy the demands of management, middle management will identify superficial savings in hopes of satisfying the requirement.

Hence switching from disposable cups to mugs or cutting back on break room amenities often go on the chopping block first.

Sadly, while there may be some superficial savings to be found in such places, the significant introduction of efficiencies for any business lie at a deeper level and take a more in-depth process of locating problems with how things get done internally.

The methodology of finding these “money pits” within a business is often called “Process Improvement.”

The concept of process improvement is to diagram a particular business process from inception to completion and document the stages it goes through, the handing over of authority for the process and to pin point places where inefficient methods are causing excessive cost in executing that process en route to the final stage of process completion.

Routinely, the areas of business structure that most often identified as being candidates for a process improvement examination are…

  • Excessive overhead between departments. Departments within a business are notorious for taking on the atmosphere of a fiefdom and becoming resistant if not suspicious of other departments in the same company.
    When that happens, department managers will introduce paperwork and unnecessary processing to cause “work” to move to his or her department from another or for completed jobs to continue along their path.

This excessive overhead can be costly at the department level and bog down the business as a unit enough to actually reduce the profitability of the organization.

  • Communication problems. A business process moves through the organization as each department or entity adds value to the process through to the completion of the job.

However if communications between departments or people along the process chain are flawed, a process can grind to a halt and wait for hours if not days before the missed communication is discovered and the work is put into the cycle to be completed. This slow down or break down in communications can be a tremendous drain on the company.

To correct the problem, modern tools of communication should be reviewed so each significant person along the chain is quickly made aware of work that needs to be done and can signal to the next agent that their step is complete and that the process is moving to the next stage.

  • An inefficient IT infrastructure. Out of date computer programs that are not integrated with each other cause needless work to be done to take data from one system and moving it into the next computer program only to be entered again at the next stop along the chain. Standardization and integration of data and systems will introduce huge efficiencies to the process.

By streamlining the process of moving a business requirement from inception to conclusion, we can remove much of the inefficiency and waste that has become inherent to that process.

We can introduce up to date integration designs both at the IT and process level to quickly move the process from one department to the next upon completion.

The outcome is a streamlined organization that is no longer “bleeding money” due to inefficiencies and as such is making money “from the inside out”.