Archives June 2024


Guaranteed Income & MLM Success Available for Anyone!

 Everyone likes to make extra money with a guaranteed income and MLM success.

Most people would be thrilled to have a guaranteed income in a business that is their own and allows

them to operate it from home. success, home business, making money effortlessly, make money In

fact, most people would be thrilled to have a guaranteed income in a business that is their own and

allows them to operate it from home .7 STEPS TO BECOMING BECOMING A MILLIONAIRE (1,000,000)

What’s more, this business would allow the business owner to have more time to spend with family

and friends, more time to do activities that they enjoy, and have the money to have a more leisurely


Come on, though, this is a fantasy, right?

No! A guaranteed income and MLM success are well within your grasp. You can have the things you

want and live the life you have always dreamed of living.

There are ways that you can start your own business and earn a residual income, making money effortlessly. This system works, it has a targeted market that is hungry to buy, and is the perfect system, the perfect product.

Through this system, you get the freedom of owning a business that you can operate from home.

You can operate your business from anywhere that you can operate a laptop! Go to work in your

pajamas! Work when you want to do what you want. This system will tell you how.


There is no point in giving up a 9 to 5 job you hate and trading it for another job you won’t

like. Until now, your options were limited in having a legitimate home business.

You could either try to make a go of it with all of the scams that inundated the internet, wading

through the different programs to find the lesser of the evils in hopes of making a few bucks, or you

could run a highly specialized business such as writing, day trading, or some other business that

required special skills.

Well, those days are over. With this system, you get guaranteed income and MLM success. The cool

part is that literally, anyone can do it! If you can type on a computer or click a mouse, you can make

money with this system.

There are two ways that you can make money with that system. You can sell some products that

work great until the market becomes saturated.THE ROLE SELF HELP BOOKS PLAY IN MAXIMIZING YOUR POTENTIAL

This market saturation eventually happens with nearly every product, and then the demand declines

because you are no longer the only game in town. This means that at that point you will have to lower

your prices or move on to something else.

The other way, though, is a secret method that is exclusive to this system. It allows members to make

money day after day, year after year, with residual income.

What’s more, there is no one to call, no meetings, not time consuming conference calls that tell you

little or nothing about how to make money.

The focus is on how you will increase your business and make money.  How much is up to you and

how much effort you want to invest.

Just about everyone would like to make some extra money with a guaranteed income and MLM

success. Most people would be thrilled to have a guaranteed income in a business that is their own

and allows them to operate it from home.

mlm success, home business, making money effortlessly, make money

Just about everyone would like to make some extra


An HTML editor is a program for editing HTML, the markup of a web page. Although the HTML

markup in a web page can be controlled with any text editor, specialized HTML editors can offer

convenience and added functionality.

For example, many HTML editors handle not only HTML, but also related technologies such as CSS,

XML and JavaScript or ECMAScript.

In some cases they also manage communication with remote web servers via FTP and WebDAV, and

version control systems such as Subversion or Git.POVERTY AND BEING POOR: ARE THEY THE SAME THING

Many word processing, graphic design and page layout programs that are not dedicated to web

design, such as Microsoft Word or Quark XPress, also have the ability to function as HTML editors.


Seven Steps to Starting A Business

Are you are planning to start a business? You must have a clear plan and strategy for achieving your

goals. Too often new entrepreneurs jump ahead without mentioning what they sell, how they sell it,

and to whom they will sell it.

Thanks to the internet, it is possible to start a business in the comfort of your home. Although

it is not easy to be an entrepreneur, it is generally known that starting a project is very

rewarding. The hardest part is starting. So many people have business ideas that never leave their

notebooks.  These are the six necessary steps for starting a business in 2024.

1. Get Online

First, if you start a business, you have to be on the Internet. The number of people buying online is

increasing every year. More than 3 billion people have access to the internet. All potential customers. When your business is on the internet,

you can sell your products and services 24 / 7 for the whole year.

2. Get starting capital

Although the costs of starting a business in 2024 on the internet are considerably lower than those of

a traditional company, you still need a little money to start an online business. The main reason why

most companies fail is the lack of capital. Provide a plan to make financial resources possible, whether

it concerns sales, your funds or external investors.

3. Choose The Right Location:

Location plays a significant role in determining the success of your business. A wrong location can

jeopardize all prospects, and at the same time, a right one can build a strong foundation for a fruitful

venture. Therefore choose the location wisely. Discuss with people who have vast knowledge of the

that you have chosen.

You set up your business amidst your competitors, there are higher chances of success, studies have


4. Establish Your Unique Selling Proposition

What makes your company unique? The Internet is a big market, and when you start a business in

2024m-2025, you make a unique sales proposal (USP) for your product or service. Why would people

buy from you instead of someone else?  How can you expect your potential

customer to know?

5. Know your ideal customer

No company can sell anything to anyone. You need to be clear about who your ideal customer is so that you can create your marketing messages to attract them directly. What are their needs, wishes, concerns, problems or wishes? How can your products or services help them?

6. Implement a proven business model

Use a proven business model that will work in your market. If you do not have one, look at your competitors and see what they do. Buy a business mentor that shows you how to grow your business and move a potential customer to a customer. Very often you can learn a lot from people who have preceded your industry.
They can help you avoid pitfalls and make your path to success faster and easier.START NOW

It may not sound natural to start a business, but if you have a passion and want to see it become a successful business, it will take planning and organization. Use these tips to get started and build a company you can be proud of.

Regardless of your age, education, technical skills or qualifications there are no specific requirements for being a successful online entrepreneur. However, you will be more successful with a solid business model to work from, clear direction, training, and support.CLICK NOW 24/7 ADDITIONAL INCOME


5 Top Things Baby Boomers Must Do Before Starting a Home Based Business


Leaving the security of a job with established 401(k) plans, health insurance or other benefits can create a real tug of war for baby boomers who want to pursue their dreams of owning their own business

Baby Boomers in Business, Create Passive Income Online, Learn Affiliate Marketing for Free

5 Top Things Baby Boomers Must Do Before Starting a Home Business

Don’t quit your day job just yet. If you are a baby boomer looking to start a home business, there are 5 essentials things you must do first.

Leaving the security of a job with an established 401(k) plan, health insurance, or other benefits can create a real tug of war for baby boomers who want to pursue their dreams of owning their own business.

Analyze Your Exit Strategy

At the time of this writing, the youngest of the baby boomers are turning 42 and the oldest are turning 60. No matter where you fall into this group, analyzing and preparing your exit strategy from your job will be crucial to your long-term success as a home business entrepreneur.

Do you have adequate savings? If you’re married, will you be able to participate in your spouse’s health insurance?

Create a Financial Plan

How much is your salary now? What are your fixed, variable, and frivolous expenses? Creating a solid plan so that you and your family will know exactly what the financial picture will be until your business gets off the ground and starts generating revenue.

Choosing a Business Model and Legal Entity

There are several business models to choose from; home party plans, consulting, and affiliate marketing to name a few.

You have to make the decision based on your personality and what you are best suited for. Choosing a legal entity for your business should be discussed with a tax accountant or your attorney. Options are sole proprietor, LLC or Subchapter S- Corp.

Set Business Benchmarks

You wouldn’t travel across the country without a road map, your business is the same. Setting financial and business-building benchmarks will help you to create a focused plan that will help you to reach your success.

Get a Physical

What does getting a physical have to do with your business? Once you leave your job, most likely your health insurance will change, and as unfair as it may be, trying to get new health insurance when in your 40’s, the 50s or 60’s can be difficult.

While pursuing your dreams of a home business is something you are probably very passionate about, if you do not have good health to enjoy the rewards of your efforts, then not much else is important.

The baby boomer generation is like no other before it or after it. Technically, we are considered middle-aged, but we are anything but middle-aged in mind, body, and spirit.

We know there is more meaning to life than a commute to an unrewarding 9-5 job, but there are also important steps we must take first. Planning and preparing for your home business now will lead to less headache’s later on.

5 Tips To Make Your Home-Based Business Not Appear “Homemade”

One of the toughest obstacles we face when working from home is making it appear that we’re not, in fact, working from home.


When clients call and there are kids screaming in the background, pets barking and meowing and timers going off for laundry and cooking, it doesn’t appear professional. So, how can we appear more professional?

Tip # 1: Have a clean, professional website with your own domain name.

Do not, under any circumstances, have a “free” website hosted on anoth…

One of the toughest obstacles we face when working from home is making it appear that we’re not, in fact, working from home.

When clients call and there are kids screaming in the background, pets barking and meowing and timers going off for laundry and cooking, it doesn’t appear professional. So, how can we appear more professional?

Tip # 1: Have a clean, professional website with your own domain name.

Do not, under any circumstances, have a “free” website hosted on another domain name with other company’s ads all over the place!

This is one of the biggest no-no’s out there! Decide, instead, that in order to appear professional, you

must invest in a professional website.

If you aren’t skilled in web design, hire someone to do it for you or barter with another home-based

business owner who does do web design. Choose a domain name that is closely related to your

business’s name.

Tip # 2:

Invest in a separate phone line or in a distinctive ring tone for that line.

Most phone companies offer a plan where you can have two or more numbers ringing to one phone

line with distinctive rings.

It’s usually better to have a separate phone line in your office, in order to avoid after-hours phone calls

from clients. This also enables you to “shut the door” on work when you’re not there. Use a

professional voicemail message or answering machine message and check the messages often.

Tip # 3: Think about how to display your business address.

How are you going to display your physical location? There are a few different options available. Most

home-based business owners will say that they accept meetings by appointment only, to discourage

clients from “dropping in” while they’re still in their jammies and haven’t had their morning coffee yet.

If you don’t want your customers to know you work from home, two other options are using a P.O. Box

or attaching a “Suite” number to your address. If you use a P.O. Box, you will have to give your home

address out for packages and anything they want to courier to you, but it does provide anonymity and

discourages drop-in visitors.

If you attach a suite number to your address in order to make it appear a “business office,” make sure

you mention to your postal carrier that you’re running a home-based business and that’s why there’s a

different address on there.

Tip # 4: Define your office etiquette rules to your family.

What are the rules going to be for your kids and family members when you’re on the phone or

meeting with a client?

Are you going to set a timer so they know when you’ll be available? Are you going to have set office

hours and not meet with clients outside of those times? Are you going to have a play space in your

office? This is especially important if you’re going to have small kids playing nearby (quietly) while you


Tip # 5: Invest in professional-quality promotional products and marketing pieces.

Don’t print off business cards from your printer, unless you have a top-of-the-line printer. Invest in

professional-quality business cards and brochures.

Create A Website for $1.99/Month

If you can, have some letterhead printed up, too, for contracts, andletters to prospective clients.

If you’re printing promotional products like T-shirts or apparel, coffee mugs, mousepads, etc., check

the quality of the products put out by the printer you wish to use. Don’t just “price-hunt,” look around

for the best quality and invest in your business.

Controlling Business Travel Costs

Sometimes when traveling on business, it is easy to let costs get out of control.

But if you are working from a per diem or have other constraints on your travel budget, you should

learn some cost-cutting methods that you can put into effect that won’t make your life miserable on

the road.

These cost-cutting ideas are not just to stay out of trouble with the budget people back at the home

office. Often businesses have a set budget for business travel and once it is gone, no further trips can

be made during that budget year.ENJOYING BUSINESS TRAVEL — CLICK NOW

So if you anticipate the need for more business trips in months ahead, it is prudent to keep an eye on

costs as you go so you can conserve that limited budget to facilitate important trips yet to come.

Economizing on the road can be difficult because you are put right in the middle of the hospitality

industry which, while good at making you feel comfortable and providing for your needs, hotels and

restaurants are also good at running up your tab.

But there are some easy ways to sidestep a lot of unnecessary spending so you can stretch your

business travel budget.

* Eat before you go. Airport restaurants or snack bars are notoriously overpriced. So even if you are

leaving early in the morning, have breakfast and get well satisfied before leaving home so you don’t


* Wise packing. Think through your life in the hotel and on the road. You can buy travel sizes of almost everything you will need.

Moreover, you can pack some light and easy-to-carry snacks such as trail mix, candy bars or nuts that

can be used to tide you over during the trip until you can get a good meal.

By being self-dependent during the trip, you save a lot by not using airport services. Read More











4 Rules For New Entrepreneurs – Practical Tips For Starting Right

It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur—in the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and propelled an entrepreneurial revolution. As an entrepreneur, you now have more access to information that enables you to make more intelligent choices more quickly.

You have an advantage over big businesses in that you’re lighter, more flexible, and faster on your feet. You can target new markets more quickly, and you can turn on a dime.

Product, sourcing, ebay, ecommerce, dropship, ebiz, entrepreneur, blog

It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur—in the last decade, technology has leveled the playing field and propelled an entrepreneurial revolution.

As an entrepreneur, you now have more access to information that enables you to make more intelligent choices more quickly. You have an advantage over big businesses in that you’re lighter, more flexible, and faster on your feet. You can target new markets more quickly, and you can turn on a dime.

But being a successful entrepreneur requires that you look at the big picture and follow a plan through from beginning to end. START A BUSIINESS AND BECOME WEALTHY

Rieva Lesonsky, editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur Magazine gives some practical guidelines that can help you when beginning your own enterprise: Read More


Inflation hurts senior citizens on a fixed income, unemployed, low-income

families and first-time home buyers.

As prices rise, more income is needed to keep up with inflation.

This is one solution 3% pay raises called cost of living adjustment

doesn’t keep up with inflation. So additional income is one solution.

Please comment and mark this site as one of your favorites

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia DO I QUALIFY FOR STUDENT LOAN FORGIVINESS

This article is about a rise in the general price level.

For the expansion of the early universe, see Inflation (cosmology). For
other uses, see Inflation (disambiguation).

In economics, inflation is a sustained increase in the price level of

goods and services in an economy over some time.

[1][2][3][4] When the price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer

goods and services; consequently, inflation reflects a reduction in the

purchasing power per unit of money – a loss of real value in the

medium of exchange and unit of account within the economy.

[5][6] A chief measure of price inflation is the inflation rate, the

annualized percentage change in a general price index, usually the

consumer price index, over time. STARTING A BUSINESS WITH LITTLE OR NO CASH

[7] The opposite of inflation is deflation (negative inflation rate).

Inflation affects economies in various positive and negative ways.

The negative effects of inflation include an increase in the opportunity

cost of holding money, uncertainty over future inflation which may

encourage investment and savings, and if inflation were rapid enough,

shortages of goods as consumers begin hoarding out of concern

that prices will increase. Positive effects include reducing unemployment

due to nominal wage rigidity.

[8] Views on which factors determine low to moderate inflation rates

are more varied. Low or moderate inflation may be attributed to

fluctuations in real demand for goods and services or changes in


[10] However, the consensus view is that a long sustained period of

inflation is caused by  the

money supply  is growing faster than the rate of

economic growth.

[11][12] Inflation may also lead to an invisible tax in which the value

of currency is lowered in contrast with its actual reserve, ultimately

leading individuals to hold a devalued legal tender.

[13] Today, most economists favor a low and steady rate of inflation.

[14] Low (as opposed to zero or negative) inflation reduces the severity

of economic recessions by enabling the labor market to adjust more

quickly in a downturn, and reduces the risk that a liquidity trap prevents

monetary policy from stabilizing the economy.

[15] The task of keeping the rate of inflation low and stable is usually

given to monetary authorities. Generally, these monetary authorities

are the central banks that control monetary policy through the setting

of interest rates, through open market operations, and through

the setting of banking reserve requirements.


5 Reasons Why You Need A Work-At-Home Schedule

After studying my time and chatting with some other work-at-home folks,

I discovered five reasons to embrace the schedule

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work at home, e-commerce, e-business, online business

One of the attractions of working at home is the vision of freedom

it invokes — no time clock, no timesheets, and no one to account

for how you spend your time.

Yes, it is an attractive proposition, but like so many, there is a heavy

downside — you are likely wasting a lot of time.

My wife spends time filling out these large spreadsheets

to account for his day. She works for a large engineering company and his

day often encompasses work on projects for different clients.

She loathes the activity and I have always dismissed it as a waste of

time —  until my home business recently took off and I realized

there weren’t enough hours to accomplish everything.

I now have my spreadsheet and agenda for the day and I have

improved my productivity and reduced my stress immeasurably. If you

don’t need a schedule for your home business, think

again — and read on.

After a spate of relatively unproductive days when my “To Do” list seemed

to grow exponentially every time I looked at it, I knew something had to


Granted I was going through a rough patch. My home business was

experiencing growing pains and taking up more than the usual time,

my four-year-old was only in preschool part-time, my husband wasn’t

pulling his weight on the home front, and my extended family was

experiencing several crises.

But I’m also old enough to know there is never a perfect time in life —

you live the one you’ve got. These are simply the problems I’m

dealing with this year. FREE INFORMATION

Next year these problems will be traded in for new fresh ones.

After studying my time and chatting with some other work-at-home

folks, I discovered five reasons to embrace the schedule:

1. It’s too easy to waste time doing nonpriority tasks

2. It’s too easy to get sidetracked or distracted from your current task

3. Unscheduled work time can often overlap with your free time until

you don’t have any free time at all

4. Your free time can overlap with your work time until you fall behind

with important projects

5. Concentrating your time and effort on the highest priority projects

means more gets done

I’m not the only work-at-home business person encompassing the

schedule. I recently took part in an online forum where men and women

had moved to embrace it — and found it more freeing than restrictive.

After all, you are still the one setting the schedule so you are free to

schedule yourself off for a 3-hour lunch, an afternoon, or a whole day

whenever you choose.

If you find setting up your schedule and priorities for the day

and week your significant other or a friend can help you set

your schedule. A Completely New Way To Get Rich Rapidly


This new way is catching on around the world. People are compounding

money rapidly for themselves.

It’s called “opportunity investment” and it has nothing to do with the

traditional way to invest. Stocks, bonds, shares etc.

This is hands-on. The entire premise is based on compounding and

becoming the “investor source”

 When we hand over our funds to “professionals” to invest our

capital we dilute our returns dramatically. It makes sense if you think

about it. T…

Make money fast and easy

This new way is catching on around the world. People are compounding

money rapidly for themselves.

It’s called “opportunity investment” and it has nothing to do with the

traditional ways to invest. Stocks, bonds, shares etc.

This is hands-on. The entire premise is based on compounding and

becoming the “investor source”

You see when we hand over our funds to “professionals” to invest in our

capital we dilute our returns dramatically. It makes sense if you think

about it.

They have no interest or incentive to manufacture any better than

maybe 10% if you are lucky.

“Opportunity Investment” is a term that describes the process of taking

responsibility for your funds. Thereby becoming your own “investor

source” That you determine by your daily actions and

decisions, what your returns will be.

I have managed over 2500% per year and it was easy. Starting with just

$100 and on a whim, I compounded that into $1 million within

27 months

I discovered this 5 years ago. There is a book written by a guy who

pioneered this formula and lives the results every day. Hayden Muller.

The book is called “The Inside Trade Secrets of an Ethical Opportunity Investor”

The idea is to identify “investment objects” that are endowed with “excess

intrinsic value” By recognizing profit where others do not we put ourselves

in the position to access this unseen stored portable value and transform

t into profits which we pyramid and compound into a rapid fortune.

It’s my opinion that this is not new at all. I believe this is the narrow path

 “high net worth individuals” discovered for themselves. What is novel and

new is the way it is packaged as a book and disclosed freely to all who choose

to recognize its worth.

I am so impressed with it, as were my associates, that we invested in an online

resource to share with the many who already compound their wealth rapidly

and certainly day by day. (There’s a link to the site below if you wish to learn more)

There’s a revolution in the air. Ordinary people are daring to reach for their first

million and take it. Millions are not content to work their whole lives, then

retire then die.

They express it by their actions. They are living in large comfortable homes.

They are sending their children to good schools, and driving nice cars. and living

the life they choose today not tomorrow.

We are part of that paradigm shift and we fan the flames with knowledge.

Wealth education need not be complicated. Your wealth education could be

 simpler and more if you choose it to be.

Simpler is always better, and opportunity investment is the bare bones. The

structure is robust and direct. Take it and earn like the many who already do.


Your Home Office – Work Smarter, Not Harder!

Working the cube farm has been a disaster for worker productivity for

years and you are finally fed up. Your company has offered you an

opportunity to work from home. Hence, the home office is born.

home office, small office, entrepreneur.  POVERTY AND BEING POOR: ARE THEY THE SAME THING

Working the cube farm has been a disaster for worker productivity for

years and you are finally fed up. Your company has offered you an

opportunity to work from home. So finally, the home office is born.

The choice of the location of your home office is crucial to your success.

Too close to the activities going on and you get distracted. Too far away,

and you become stranded on an island. Another concern is the

“7-Eleven” effect, in other words, you are always open for business.

But there are ways to manage these issues in order to make your home


Now the home office is more of a focus in the design process, making

this space worth living. Make it comfortable, but not too comfortable.

Make it warm and inviting, but not a playroom for the kids. Make it a

place to work, but also a place to live. FREE INFORMATION

Confused? Don’t be because this is your space to do as you wish.

Just keep in mind your situation and plan accordingly.

Maybe converting your attic for use as a home office is a wonderful idea.

Working in the corner of a bedroom works. Whatever your space allocation

is having a true home office is a great way to keep your overhead low.

Since you are already paying for the space and the real hidden value of a

home office it doesn’t have to look like a corporate office with a huge

oak desk and wall-to-wall filing cabinets. And even though your children

will disagree, your home office is not somewhere they should be playing.


Finding space for a home office is a major concern these days.

Once you have found your space, you should find that working from a home

office is interesting, and provides an opportunity to deliver results that will

make a real difference to your life. It won’t be difficult to work if you have

a well-organized, equipped home office and comfortable.

The key to a well-run home office and a satisfied worker is this: create a

work schedule just like you would if you went into the office. Don’t wake

up tomorrow and ask yourself what to do today, have a plan.

Set working hours, you go into the office from 8-5 or 9-6 and that’s it, you

leave for the day, turn off the light behind you, and shut the door as if your

commute were miles away from home instead of inches from the couch.

Another suggestion is to turn the audible notification off for new emails

on your computer. Remember: Work Smarter, not harder!

Your profits will increase through these techniques CREATING ANOTHER SOURCE OF INCOME DAILY

Increase your profits with money-making techniques overnight. This is not

the only source for money-making home business.

But some people make only a few dollars a month and others earn

thousands on the internet with this program through these techniques.

Earn with Adsense, a low-cost successful home-based internet business.

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Earning a few dollars per click from displaying Adsense ads on it. Many

are now realizing that good money is made from this source of revenue.

Try the simple mathematical computation of multiplying those clicks

for every page on your website and you get a summation of earnings

equivalent to a monthly residual income with that little effort you have


Google Adsense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes

to display relevant and text-based Google ads on their website’s content

pages and earn money in the process.

The ads displayed are related to what your users are looking for on your

site. The main reason why you both can monetize and enhance your

content pages using Adsense.

How much you will be earning will depend on how much the advertisers

are willing to pay. It will depend on the keywords required. If the keywords

the advertiser has chosen are in high demand, you could receive more

dollars per click. On the other hand, low-demand keywords will earn you

just a few cents per click. FREE INFORMATION

How can you start making profits out of your website using Adsense?

1. Sign up for an Adsense account. It will only take a few minutes of your time.

2. When the site is accepted, you will receive a clip code to include in

your web pages. You can insert this code on as many pages or websites.

The AdWords will start appearing immediately after.

3. You will be earning a few cents or some dollars per click when someone

starts clicking on the AdWords displayed on any of your web pages.

Trying to earn false revenues by repetitively clicking on your ads

is a no-no.

This will result in a penalty or the possibility of your site being

eliminated. The money you have already earned may be lost because

of this.

4. View your statistics. Adsense earnings can be checked anytime by

logging into your web site account.

Once your account is working, you may still want to pattern them to the

many sites that earn more money than you are. It is important

to note there are factors in how your website will perform

and the money it will give you.

It is a common practice that when a site earns money, makes more

out of what they are getting already. It usually takes time

combined with trial and error to attain what you want for your Adsense contents.


Time and some important factors that you can practice and use.

How do you increase your Adsense earnings?

1. Choose one topic per page. Write content for your page with

just a few targeted phrases. The search engine will then serve ads 

relevant which will then result in higher clickthroughs.

2. Using white space around your ad. This can make your ad stand

out from the rest of your page so visitors can spot them easily.

There are also other choices of colors you can use, provided by

search engines, which can harmonize the color of your ad with the

web page color.

3. Test your ad placement. It is recommended to use the vertical

format that runs down the side of the web page to get more

positive results. You can also try horizontal and vertical formats

for a certain period to see which will give you results.

4. More content-based pages. Widen the theme of your website by

creating pages that focus more on your keyword phrases. This will

optimize the pages for the search engines. It can make them more

relevant for the AdWords to be displayed. FREE INFORMATION

5. Site Build It. This is the perfect tool to be used for creating lots of

Adsense revenues. Site Build It has all the tools necessary to quickly

achieve a keyword-rich site that can rank high in the search engines.

This will also produce a flow of traffic to your site of highly targeted



Things To Consider For Starting A Business

Are you planning to start a business?  Have a clear plan and strategy for

achieving your goals. Too often new entrepreneurs jump ahead without

mentioning what they sell, how they sell it, and to whom they will sell it.

Thanks to the internet, Simple to start a business in the comfort of your

home. Although it is not easy to be an entrepreneur, it is generally

known that starting a project is very rewarding.

The hardest part is starting. So many people have business ideas that

never leave their notebooks.  These are the six necessary steps for starting

a business in 2024.24/7 ONLINE INTERNET BUSINESS

1. Get Online
First, if you start a business, you have to install it on the internet. The

number of people buying online is increasing every year. More than

3 billion people have access to the internet, and more and more

people connect every day.

These are all potential customers. When your business is on the

Internet, you can sell your products and services 24 / 7.

2. Get starting capital

Although the costs of starting a business in 2024 on the internet are

considerably lower than those of a traditional company, you still need

a little money to start an online business. STARTING A BUSINESS WITH LITTLE OR NO CASH

The main reason why most companies fail is the lack of capital. Provide

a plan to make financial resources possible, whether it concerns sales,

your funds, or external investors

3. Choose The Right Location:

Location plays a significant role in determining the success of your

business. A wrong location can jeopardize all prospects, and at the

same time, the right one can build a strong foundation for a fruitful

venture. Therefore choose the location wisely.

Discuss with people who have vast knowledge in the industry that you

have chosen. If you set up your business amidst your competitors,

there are higher chances of success.

4. Establish Your Unique Selling Proposition

What makes your company unique? The Internet is a big market, and

when you start a business in 2019, you have to make a unique sales

proposal (USP) for your product or service. Why would people buy

from you instead of someone else?  How can you expect your potential

customer to know?

5. Know your ideal customer

No company can sell anything to anyone. Be clear about who your

customers are so that you can create your marketing messages to attract

them directly. What are their needs, wishes, concerns, problems, or

wishes? How can your products or services help them?

6. Implement a proven business model

Use a proven business model that will work in your market. If you do not

have one, look at your competitors and see what they do. Buy a business

mentor that shows you how to grow your business and move a potential

customer to a customer.

You can learn a lot from people who have preceded your

industry. They can help you avoid pitfalls and make your path to success

faster and easier.

If you have a passion and want to see it become a successful business, it will 

take planning. Use these tips, and build a company you can be proud of.

Regardless of your age, education, technical skills, and qualifications there are

no specific requirements for being a successful online entrepreneur.


Seven Steps to Starting A Business

Are you planning to start a business? It would help to have a clear plan and

strategy for achieving your goals. Too often new entrepreneurs jump ahead

without mentioning what they sell, how they sell it, and to whom they

will sell it.

Thanks to the internet, you can start a business anywhere, even in

the comfort of your home. Although it is not easy to be an entrepreneur,

it is generally known that starting a project is very rewarding.

The hardest part is starting. So many people have business ideas

that never leave their notebooks.

Others want to have a business but do not know where to start. These

are the six necessary steps for starting a business in 2024.

1. Get Online

First, if you start a business, you have to install it on the internet.

The number of people buying online is increasing every year. More than

3 billion people have access to the internet, and more people

connect every day. These are all potential customers. When your business is on

the internet, you can sell your products and services 24 / 7 for the whole year.

2. Get starting capital

Although the costs of starting a business in 2024 on the internet are considerably

lower than those of a traditional company, you still need a little money to start

an online business. The main reason why most companies fail is the lack of capital.

Provide a plan to make financial resources possible, whether it concerns sales,

your funds, or external investors. STARTING A BUSINESS ONLINE

3. Choose The Right Location:

Location plays a significant role in determining the success of your business.

A wrong location can jeopardize all prospects, and at the same time, the right

one can build a strong foundation for a fruitful venture. Therefore choose the

location wisely. Discuss with people who have vast knowledge in the industry

that you have chosen.

You set up your business amidst your competitors, there are higher chances

of success, studies have shown.

4. Establish Your Unique Selling Proposition

What makes your company unique? The Internet is a big market, and when you

start a business in 2024, you have to make a unique sales proposal (USP) for

your product or service. Why would people buy from you instead of someone

else? How can you expect your potential customer to know?

5. Know your ideal customer

No company can sell anything to anyone. Be clear about who your customers

are so you can create your marketing messages to attract

them directly. What are their needs, wishes, concerns, problems, or wishes?

How can your products or services help them?

6. Implement a proven business model  STARTING A BUSINESS ONLINE

Use a proven business model that will work in your market. If you do not

have one, look at your competitors and see what they do. Buy a business

mentor that shows you how to grow your business and move a potential

customer to a customer. Very often you can learn a lot from people who

have preceded your industry.

They can help you avoid pitfalls and make your path to success faster and

easier. START NOW

It may not sound natural to start a business, but if you have a passion and want

to see it become a successful business, it will require planning and organization.

Use these tips to get started and build a company you can be proud of.

Regardless of your age, education, technical skills, or qualifications, there are

no specific requirements for being a successful online entrepreneur. However,

you will be more successful with a solid business model to work from, clear

direction, training, and support.CLICK NOW 24/7 ADDITIONAL INCOME9


Characteristics That Millionaire Businesspeople Have in Common

What do the rich and powerful people in business have in common? They

live with a strategy and exhibit characteristics different from other

not-so-successful businesspeople. What’s their secret? They train themselves

to keep these characteristics in mind.

millionaire stories, making money online, internet millionaire, getting rich,

business success, secrets of success, business secrets, online business secrets,

millionaire secrets, small business,

Forbes magazine reported that there were 691 billionaires in the world. 1400

people across the world turn into millionaires every day. Want to become

one of them? Of course, you do. Everyone wants the freedom to do business

in the way they choose. There is so much power in running your own

business – and having a business that runs itself, which for many people

is the ultimate goal.

Making money is not the only goal of becoming an internet millionaire – it’s

about freedom. Many people across the world are gifted with experiencing

this freedom every day. How can you become one of these people? What kind

of life, and business, do you want to run? Would you like to be able to check

your email from your private plane? These are the goals many people have in

mind when they begin to forge ahead with their business ideas.

But the truth is that the rich and the successful – the millionaires off and

online – have about nine characteristics in common, not that different from  

people we all know. Most of them exhibit some or all of these. We all have the

potential for greatness – if we can train ourselves to keep this in mind as we

go about our business day.

1. They don’t blame. Successful businesspeople don’t blame others. Instead

of making excuses for bad outcomes, or reassigning responsibility to others,

they take time to learn from their own mistakes.

2. They are decisive. Millionairetypes have a vision. They take quick, decisive

action aligned with that vision. They’re action-oriented, always pushing

forward toward their goals.

3. They trust their intuition. If something seems like it’s not quite right, they

trust that instinct. If an opportunity excites them and sounds like a great idea,

they go for it.

4. They are singly focused on their CORE business. Successful entrepreneurs

always remain true to their vision. They focus on opportunities that are

aligned with their business’s purpose. If you sell retail products on eBay,

try real estate investing the next day. They don’t lose focus. They may sell

their products on eBay, write articles, focus on joint ventures, and go to

marketing seminars, but all of their efforts, and FOCUS toward their

main goals.

5. They are marketing-focused. Millionaires, including such giants as

Bill Gates, understands the importance of building on their core business.

They hire people with specialties in marketing. They work hard at building

their email lists, gaining exposure, and are constantly looking for ways to

reach a wider audience. If you want to build a decent income, you sell

 products and services. If you want to be insanely rich,  you create and control

markets. The key to your business, and creating phenomenal success,

is marketing.

6. They understand the importance of continuing education. Successful

businesspeople are always learning and drawing from other people’s

experiences. They listen to how other people have achieved their success,

especially if these people have expertise in another industry. They are

constantly learning about new approaches and strategies.

7. They are not afraid of making mistakes. Any big company online will

tell you that they’ve had their share of downfalls, even such giants as

eBay or Craig’s List. Mistakes are building blocks for success – by

making mistakes, you learn what works, and what doesn’t. You don’t

have to get it right, you just have to get it going. We all make mistakes,

and one of the most powerful things you can do is glean feedback from

them. Feedback is a great way to learn from your customers and

colleagues. You need to look at feedback and take it with a grain of

salt – it helps you learn and grow. See your mistakes as learning lessons Read More


What are the 4 ways to build wealth?

4 Ways to Help Turn Income Into Wealth

The key to help you build wealth is to incorporate these four strategie

into your financial plan.

Increase Your Savings.

Diversify Your Investments.

Work Toward Creating Generational Wealth.

Learn Wealth-Building Tips from Financial Pros.

Working With The New Generation

I’ve heard them called by many names as of late: Generation Y, Gen Y, The Plug-and-Play Generation, The Gotta-Feel-Good Generation. What they’re all referring to is the new young generation – our current 20-somethings.

Every generation “deals” with the generation who comes after them. Their different views, their different ways of doing things, and so on; this generation is no exception.

gen Y, gen X, work from home, work at home, commute, telecommute, telecommuter, at home job, job, work, working, ability to work

I’ve heard them called by many names as of late: Generation Y, Gen Y, The Plug-and-Play Generation, The Gotta-Feel-Good Generation. What they’re all referring to is the new young generation – our current 20-somethings.

Every generation “deals” with the generation who comes after them. Their different views, their different ways of doing things, and so on; this generation is no exception.

Why is everyone talking about this new generation now though? They’ve been coming along for years. They’re in their 20’s now, after all! Because now they’re starting to impact the workforce and because we couldn’t predict their group characteristics until we saw them in action.FREE INFORMATION

In some ways they’re changing the landscape for the better, in some ways we oldies would say for the worse.

Regardless of the nostalgia we feel for the “old days” this generation is plunging headlong into the workforce and will impact you and your business at some point. Read More



















Your disposable income is necessary if you want to decrease payments to your

creditors when you can no longer afford the common contractual payments.

Debt management companies use your disposable to work out what you can

sincerely afford to repay your creditor commitments.

Below we have explained how to work out your disposable income for yourself

should you need to reduce your debts without contacting a debt management

company – that being said we would imagine a debt management company

would get a better response from your creditors as they are under no obligation

to accept any new payment arrangements and put this to them through a

the debt management company will normally yield better results.

Work out your income.

You will need to work out your income every month as most creditors

will prefer to have regular monthly payments.


The basic form would be.

This can be done by adding up your last 6 or 12 wage slips and dividing the total

by the number of wage slips you added. For example, if you added

together your take-home pay for the last six months you would divide the total

amount by 6 to give a normal monthly average of your take-home.

Work out your committed outgoings

Your committed outgoings are what you need to pay each month. With things like

your phone bill or water bill which you may be paying quarterly divide your

normal quarterly bill by 4 to get a monthly allowance.

After you have added all these together, which will ensure you, have made

allowances for the essential living costs we can deduct this from your monthly

take-home pay. What’s left is your disposable income and what you can genuinely

afford to pay your creditors. MAKE MONEY NOW

What amount of my disposable income should my creditors get?

Your disposable income should be spread around your creditors you owe the

most to get paid the most. This is normally referred to as payment pro-rata,

which can be worked.

Owing to a total of 10,000 to 3 creditors with a disposable income of 200

Creditor A 5,000 Creditor B 3,000 Creditor C 2,000a Total owed 10,000

First, we need a percentage of the total debts you owe to each creditor. To do this

you would take the amount owed to the creditor, divide by the total owed

and multiply by 100.

Creditor A= 5,000 ÷ 10,000 (total owed) * 100 = 50% Creditor B= 3,000 ÷ 10,000

(total owed) * 100 = 30% Creditor C= 2,000 ÷ 10,000 (total owed) * 100 = 20%

We then apply these percentages to your disposable income as follows.

Disposable income is 200

• Creditor A 200 ÷ 100 * 50 = £100
• Creditor B 200 ÷ 100 * 30 = £60


To set more money aside for building wealth, consider these moves:
  1. Track your spending for at least a month. You can use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to help you do this, but a small, pocket-size notebook could also work. …
  2. Find the fat and trim it. …
  3. Set a savings goal. …
  4. Put saving on automatic. …
  5. Find high-yield savings.

What is the number 1 key to building wealth?

The first step is to earn enough money to cover your basic needs, with some left

over for saving. To create a financial plan, consider your personal goals, which

may include buying a home, saving for retirement, or putting your kids through college.

Why cut spending now??? Inflation is above 8% and climbing.

The Federal Reserve has raised interest rate in an effort to slow the

economy and bring inflation under control. If the Federal Reserve succeed

then products you plan to purchase now will be cheaper.


Why cut spending now??? Budgeting/Budget is another way to fight

inflation. Monitoring where your money going/controlling expenses is another

why to fight inflation.


Caution rather than a great regret in this inflation crisis.

Keep in mind the Federal Reserve policies will take time to get

inflation under control. In the meantime start your own financial control plan.

With modern communication technology comes the popularity of

information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective

techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into.

This is why article writing, submissions and publications are also getting popular.

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location, business competitors, business website, search engine optimization,

ay-per-click marketing, business marketing tips

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up

those creative writing skills back.

With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based

marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting

targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers.

This is why article writing, submissions and publications are also getting popular.

There are already many tools that people can use to make the process of

their article.

Though this is invaluable in getting the contents more exposure, which is only

half of the story.Let us take a look first at the common mistakes that some

people make before submitting their contents to article directories:

1. Confusing the reason to promote the articles with the reason to write them.

In article writing, there are three key benefits why you are promoting them;

branding, lead generation and promotion, which are all part of your

optimization efforts.

But there is only one reason why you write an article, and that is to inform

your audience. If the article is not focused on this primary and most important

purpose, it will fail to achieve the three promotion benefits because no one will

be interested in reading them.

You need to figure out first how to get people to read what is in your article,

then make them click on your resource box. You can achieve this by producing

better contents.

2. Failing to maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing.

You may know already that your articles can help you generate additional links

back to your site.

But do you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results

from that same articles?

Mention keywords at strategic places. Just be sure not to overdo them.

Some are even using anchor texts which is also an effective method. But it is

important to know that majority of the directories are not able to support this.

Remember that is not only about the links back to your site. Part of doing well in

your article marketing is getting picked up by publishers with a large number of

audiences and gaining the ability of leveraging other brands because of the


Better search engine results also are great benefits.

But these things do not put much money in your pocket. There are other factors

that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity that can boost

your earnings. Not just increase the number of visitors to your site.

Start out with a plan and see to it that your article will serve the function that you

intended it to have.

3. Publishing content that does not help your readers.

Maybe in the process of writing articles, you are thinking that all that is you

wanted is links back to your site. And any visitors it can generate are fine.

Guess what? Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your

content automatically. Oftentimes, they have some guidelines and specifications


You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that

the directories want to share with other people.

All it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your

potential audience overnight.

Write the articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article

marketing to work the most effective way for you. This also means you have to

obey the standard guidelines, spell checks, researching on a good topic and even

hiring a writer to produce a good content on your behalf.10 CRITICAL BUDGETING STEPS TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM

In the end, it is all really a matter of choice on your part. You can start getting a

little exposure from increased links back but on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive

exposure from a little extra time making quality contents.

It will be your choice. You may not be aware of the fact that an article submitted on

directories is not meant to have the same level of exposure as highly-targeted

content ones geared on a narrow group of people.

Learn the difference between these two and it will surely help you know what kinds



Can a widow receive Social Security and VA benefits?

SSDI and VA disability compensations are not affected by each other, so you may

be eligible to receive both. However, you must apply for them separately. It may

be possible to also qualify for SSI, depending on income and resources.

When a veteran dies does the spouse receive benefits?WAYS TO BUILD WEALTH IN 2024 — BUILDING WEALTH BOOKS

A VA Survivors Pension offers monthly payments to qualified surviving spouses and

unmarried dependent children of wartime Veterans who meet certain income and net

worth limits set by Congress.

What is a widow of a veteran entitled to?

Survivor’s Pension – The Survivors Pension benefit, which may also be referred to

as Death Pension, is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to a low-income,

un-remarried surviving spouse and/or unmarried child(ren) of a deceased veteran with wartime service.

What benefits do spouses of deceased retired Veterans get?

The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) provides financial support to military spouses and/or

children when a military member dies while on duty or after retirement. SBP provides

eligible beneficiaries with a monthly payment known as an annuity. The recipient of an

SBP annuity is referred to as the annuitant.


What benefits are widows of Veterans eligible for?

A VA Survivors Pension offers monthly payments to qualified surviving spouses and

unmarried dependent children of wartime Veterans who meet certain income and net worth

limits set by Congress. Find out if you qualify and how to apply.

Veterans and their spouses that do qualify for the A&A Pension Benefit can utilize t

he benefits they receive to help cover the assisted living costs. The benefit can

provide upwards of $1,794 per month to a vet, $1,153 per month to a surviving spouse,

or $2,127 per month to a couple. THIS IS THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE


Who qualifies for the PACT Act?

If you are a veteran who served during the Vietnam War, Gulf War, or post-9/11 eras, you may

be eligible for new healthcare and financial benefits. The PACT Act enacted in August 2022

adds more than 20 presumptive conditions for veterans who had toxic exposures while they


What else is in the PACT Act 2022?

The PACT Act provides VA with mechanisms to enhance claims processing and to increase the

workforce. The bill also invests in VA health care facilities by authorizing 31 major medical

health clinics and research facilities in 19 state

What is the new bill for veterans?

The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to

burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. The PACT Act adds to the list of health

conditions that we assume (or “presume”) are caused by exposure to these substances.

CBD Skin Routine

Veterans and their spouses that do qualify for the A&A Pension Benefit can utilize the benefits

they receive to help cover the assisted living costs. The benefit can provide upwards of $1,794

per month to a vet, $1,153 per month to a surviving spouse, or $2,127 per month to a couple.

What benefits can a veteran receive?

Other VA benefits to consider as a Veteran

Disability compensation. …

Support for Veteran-owned small businesses. …

Veterans Pension program. …

Aid and attendance or housebound allowance. …

Disability housing grants. …

More life insurance options. …

Pre-need eligibility determination for burial in a VA national cemetery.

Do all veterans get the GI Bill?

You may be eligible for benefits through the Post-9/11 GI Bill if you’ve served on active

duty for at least 90 days, whether continuous (all at once) or interrupted (for shorter

periods over time), after September 10, 2001.

What is the GI Bill for veterans?

GI Bill benefits help you pay for college, graduate school, and training programs. Since 1944,

the GI Bill has helped qualifying Veterans and their family members get money to cover all or

some of the costs for school or training. Learn more about GI Bill benefits on this page—and

how to apply for them.

What are the two types of GI Bills?

Montgomery GI Bill – Active Duty (MGIB-AD) Montgomery GI Bill – Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR)Does

the GI Bill cover 4 years of college?

Under the Post-9/11 GI Bill, veterans who serve at least 36 months of active duty are eligible

for coverage of up to 36 months of college or career training. That’s enough for nine months of

education every year for four years. Benefits also include a monthly housing allowance and

$1,000 stipend for books and supplies.

How many times can a veteran use the GI Bill?

You get 36 months of full-time GI Bill benefits and have no time limit on when you need to

use them by. If you left the military before Jan. 1, 2013, your benefits expire 15 years from

your discharge (if using the Post-9/11 GI Bill). If you are using the Montgomery GI Bill you

have 10 years to use your benefits.

How many years do you have to work to get full GI Bill benefits?

Eligibility for 100% of Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits

You’re eligible for 100% of the full benefit if you meet at least one of these requirements: You

served on active duty for a total of at least 1,095 days (at least 36 months), or. You served on

active duty and received a Purple Heart on or after September 11, 2001, or.Nov 17, 2022

What benefits do all Veterans get?

All enrolled Veterans receive the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA’s) comprehensive Medical

Benefits Package which includes preventive, primary and specialty care, diagnostic, inpatient and

outpatient care services.

What happens to GI Bill if you don’t use it?

You have 10 years to use your Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) benefits after you separate from the

military. If you don’t use your benefits in this time frame, you may be able to get a refund of

part or all of your payments into this program.

What is the 48 month rule with GI Bill?

help eligible Veterans maximize their education benefits. Now, Veterans who use Veteran Readiness

and Employment (VR&E) benefits prior to using any other VA education program, such as the

Montgomery GI Bill or Post-9/11 GI Bill, can still use up to 48 total months of the other

educational assistance benefit program.

When a Veteran dies does the spouse receive benefits?

If you’re the surviving spouse or child of a service member who died while on active duty,

your military casualty assistance officer will help you to complete an Application for DIC,

Death Pension, and/or Accrued Benefits by a Surviving Spouse or Child (VA Form 21P-534a).Oct 12, 2022blue light blocking reading glasses yellow filter lense

What are the 4 types of Veterans?

Under VEVRAA, a veteran may be classified as a ”disabled veteran,” ”recently separated

veteran,” ”active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran,” or ”Armed Forces service medal veteran. ”

What’s today’s quote of the day?

Image result for daily motivational quotes

Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.

What are the 5 positive quotes?

You can do it quotes

“Do the best you can. …

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ―Theodore Roosevelt.

‘It’s never too late to be what you might’ve been.” ―George Eliot.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” ―Walt Disney.

“Trust yourself that you can do it and get it.” ―Baz Luhrmann.Buy Website Traffic